Our modelling has shown that purchasing the right property in a SMSF can improve one's retirement position by up to three times per property purchased.
A self-managed super fund (SMSF) is your own personal superannuation fund that gives you total control over how your super benefit is invested. Like other superannuation (super) funds, self-managed super funds are a way of saving for your retirement.
The difference between a SMSF and other types of funds is that, generally, the members of a SMSF are also the trustees. This means the members of the SMSF run it for their own benefit.
SMSFs are not for everyone and you should think carefully before deciding to set one up. It is a major financial decision and you need to have the time and skills to do it. There may be better options for your super savings. Either way, you should get professional advice.
The biggest benefit we find is that property can be purchased directly in a SMSF offering the investor the opportunity to leverage their funds. Our modelling has shown that purchasing the right property in an SMSF can improve one's retirement position by up to three times per property purchased!
When you set up an SMSF, you become a trustee of the fund (or a director of a company that is a trustee). In either case, you will be responsible for managing it according to its trust deed and the laws and rules that apply to SMSFs. The key principle is that you run your SMSF for the sole purpose of providing retirement benefits to members.
You need to manage your fund’s investments in the best interests of fund members and in accordance with the law. The SMSF’s investments must be separate from the personal and business affairs of fund members, including your own.
As an SMSF trustee, you can accept money contributions for your members from various sources but there are some restrictions, mostly depending on the member’s age and the contribution caps. Generally, you cannot accept an asset as a contribution from a member, though there are some exceptions.
As a trustee, you will have a number of administrative obligations – for example, you will need to arrange an annual audit of your fund, keep appropriate records and report to us on the fund’s operation.
When paying benefits, your SMSF generally can only pay a member’s super when the member reaches their ‘preservation age’ and meets one of the specified conditions of release – for example, they retire. There are very limited circumstances, such as death or a terminal medical condition, where a member’s super can be accessed before this. There are significant penalties for unlawfully releasing super benefits.